Advanced Attraction


Although this is only the introduction, please do not skip it. I know that
you are keen to get to the nitty gritty, but without this introduction you
could become lost before you start. This is your introduction to The Law
of Attraction as I have come to know and understand it, the Law or more
importantly believing the Law is the key to using the Law Of Attraction
to your benefit.
An encyclopaedia of the definition of The Law of Attraction is ‘a theory
commonly associated with New Age and New Thought philosophy. It
posits, that one should never dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical
principle of life is embodied in a law of attraction’
To put the ‘New Age New Thought Philosophy’ to rest we need to look at
the history of the Law of Attraction and what philosophies and ideas they
were based on, in research of the Law of Attraction you will find
reference to The Emerald Tablet, written some 3,000 years BC, and the
translations by various scholars such as Albert Einstein & Plato, you will
also find books based on the Law of Attraction dating back to 1912, The
Master Key System, and 1937, Think and Grow Rich, hardly New Age.